Watching "The Flash"

Friday, January 6, 2017

I believe that there are about four other blogs (give or take) that have been inspired by things in which my little sister has introduced to me, things such as music, books, and movies and this blog is no exception.

During my winter break, I had planned to read countless (Okay, maybe more specifically three) books, run rampant in the streets of the City (more like get lost and find myself in unplanned adventures that awaited me), and watch all the movies I missed out on. Sure there's still a little less than a week until I have to go back to school and I may not have done a sprinkle of what I had hoped to do during my winter break, but the best things happen unplanned. One of those best things being that I watched 2 seasons of The Flash on Netflix, which I have become a fan of!! Although this entire post may be about watching The Flash, my winter break has not been limited to this activity exclusively.

My little sister, Cristina had a t.v. show playing in the living room during the first week of our winter break and I didn't pay much attention to it until she started explaining the plot line to me. When I decided that I wanted to watch the show for myself, she insisted that she watch the entire show with me from the beginning. So, we embarked on a journey together in which consisted of heavy scientific concepts, clever fan references, and standing-by-the-end-of-each-episode. Now, I sit here on the couch in my living room a couple of hours after finishing Season 2 of  The Flash and trying to process all that has happened.

I really hope you consider on watching the show for yourself because this show is truly amazing! Each character is brought to life creating a distinctive personality. The nerd references (No offense, I am a proud nerd) are on point! But, of course, if you ever do watch The Flash, go in with VERY low expectations because I wouldn't want to contribute to you going in with very high expectations and not really enjoying it (which will NOT happen regardless). So, if you do start watching it, I may have started talking about some of the key components that happen in the show later on in this blogpost. So, I sectioned off the part in which is **spoiler-filled** and you can skip down to where it's safe to continue reading. But if you are past Season 2-- by all means, continue reading.


I would like to think that I was able to follow along with the majority of the scientific theories that were proposed/ happened on the show--my foundation being that I am a big Back to the Future fan and I've practically studied the films in which I believe that I have a good idea of how time works. And because of that, I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS!! For example, when the reverse flash disappears from existence because Officer Eddie killed himself, shouldn't everything have gone back to normal, as if Barry's mother hadn't died? I guess that issue is address later in the season when the Reverse Flash comes back, but has no idea of what has already happened and, if I remember correctly, Eddie's action of killing himself hasn't taken action because the Reverse Flash is on a separate timeline. PLEASE, correct me if I'm wrong and if you can, explain this to me! BUT!!! The season finale for season 2--- That ALL does not matter anymore! I have yet to watch season 3 and it's killing me! There was a whole bunch of other questions that I had throughout the show, but I can't remember them, which I might just rewatch the entire first and second season-- to make sure that I didn't miss anything!

But, nonetheless, I am very excited on how the season 3 will begin! And for those who have waited week after week for the next episode to air on tv, I salute you.


If you're in the mood to watch a superhero show with science fiction, love and hate relationships with the characters, surprises, controversy, and intrigue, then The Flash is for you! But, highkey, you should decide for yourself and if you do decide to watch it, I promise you won't be disappointed.

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