Senior Year-- An Update

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

For those of you who know me and would like some light on what I've been doing lately, thank you, and if you're new and happened to stumble upon this post, thank you to you, too! So above all, thank YOU for reading this!

If you do not know already, I'm currently in my Senior year and on winter break! And I have been thinking about some of the struggles I faced during the semester, which have been crazy! Finals were insane and I only had to do two all-nighters this semester, which may or may not have lowered my validation as a college student, but you be the judge of that. With all the papers, midterms, and other extra curricular activities in which I tried to keep up with, I remember the week of finals and having to write a five page paper, a presentation, and three reading assignments/ worksheets, that were all due within three days. That may not sound like a lot-- even as an English major-- but I started to feel its weight. The texts that we were required to read are heavy in content and take a lot of time to do. I don't mean to come off as whiny, but the stress was REAL. For a visual illustration, this is how my semester felt on most days:

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Instead of specifically "Sundays," the above illustration has been me throughout the majority of the semester-- unfortunately. Now, college was not going to be easy and as I continue to think about some of the things that I could have done differently this past semester, I know it will be different for the upcoming Spring semester. I hope all-nighters are the thing of the past and I will at the same time, get to watch The Flash, while I'm still at school. (Lowkey, I'm on Season 2, episode 2 on Netflix, for The Flash, and it's getting crazy good, but I do have SO MANY QUESTIONS, which I am very confused about. I like to think that I have-- SPOILER ALERT-- time travel and the idea of it down, which is why all of these questions are coming to mind. But my little sister, who was the one that got me hooked onto the show, says that I should keep watching and that all of my questions will be answered. *Cries from the frustration* BUT I am loving the show! #HighlyRecommend)

Anyway, I look forward to this new semester and new year! (AND watching more of The Flash.)

Using This Chance to Write

I think one of the main reasons that I haven't posted a while on this blog is because of that reason; I haven't posted on my own blog for a long time. No matter how much I wanted to post on this blog, I felt like it was something that I had to do, but that's what I really want to stay away from. I've expressed before that writing is something that I love doing, so much so that I majored in it. I figured that part of the reason that kept me from posting anything was that I didn't want to face the idea that I hadn't posted in a while, which resulted in more or less some sense of procrastination. But I couldn't stop thinking about writing. So, here I am on my Winter Break, just writing and thank you, reader, for reading this as I allow myself to splurge on something that I have no idea what will become of it. How exciting!

In the time that I've been going to college and writing countless papers, one of the best ways to start a paper is to start writing. I think that's a technique in which I'm doing now. I realize that the last time I've posted anything was a month and a half ago and I want to change that. I want to try posting more often, more than I did within this past year. There might be posts like this where I have no idea what I'll be writing about, but it would most likely be of things that have sparked my interest or what I may be doing at the moment. And at this moment, I'm on Winter Break, which means that I have a lot of time on my hands, which is almost overwhelming. Within only a week ago, I've been so busy with finals, projects, and papers that the amount of free time I have on my hands, now, makes my mind race on all the things I can and want to do. 

Have you ever had to do so many things that time seems to be fighting against you and don't know where to start, so you take a nap, instead? (I may or may not have done that (LOL!)) Well, that's my current dilemma, but instead of naps, I've been trying to regulate my sleep schedule to "normal." Being at school, I wouldn't get to sleep until 1:00AM--if I'm lucky! Nonetheless, with the amount of free time I want to go binge watch on t.v. shows on Netflix, spend hours getting lost in a city, immerse myself in culture (I have a lot of catching up to do), go to the movies, hangout with my hometown friends, and go for a run on my favorite route (the list doesn't stop there!). I currently think that I have been able to perform these tasks with my family!

One in particular has been a t.v. show on the CW called, The Flash, which I have started on Netflix and IT'S SO GOOD!! As of many of the things that I begin to fangirl about, my little sister, Cristina introduced me to the show and I've been trying to catch up with her and--OMG!!--where have I been all this time! The show is incredible, the cast is remarkable, and the writing is legit! Of course, if I've persuaded you enough to watch it yourself, forget everything I said about it just so that you don't go in with high expectations! 

I've also have gone to so many places in the Bay Area that if I had to go back to school tomorrow, I'd feel content on m fair share of city life... Okay, maybe I haven't met my full quota, but it has been a lot so far. Besides getting to spend a lot of time with my family, I'm using part of my free time reflecting on the past semester and year. All that comes to mind is: it has been tough. Despite the difficulty that has come with this year, which has been mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually challenging, I didn't go through it alone. I have an amazing support group that has cried with me, laughed with me, and struggled with me, yet has remained to be a community of encouragement. So, I look forward to the new year and semester as an opportunity to do things differently and create more often, even if it means writing a blogpost with no idea of how it's going to end. 

Thank you for reading!

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