1st Post of 2015

Saturday, February 21, 2015

As I sit here in my dorm lobby composing this, the first 20 minutes consisted of typing out an intro then deleting what I had, then typing out something else, then deleting it again; there has been an endless cycle of different thoughts and what to start talking about. 

I guess, I could first say that I could not believe that this is going to be the first post I've done in the year of 2015!!! Which reminds me, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I reflect back on 2014, which may call for another post, but I have grown so much in this past year that I have seen the Lord work in everything I have been going though! Considering that it is already February-- the 21st at that! I thought to do a quick, "What I've been up to since the beginning of the year!" :)

In January, I started the Spring semester of my sophomore year and at the start, I have been thrown into the homework/work grind, which may be a good excuse to say why I haven't posted since last year! I also have done so much!!! (AAHHH!!!) So much has happened now that I think back about these past few months that I am so excited to write about and share with you! But as of now I am in mid-terms, leadership applications, FASFA, as well as registration for next school year! It has been keeping me busy! It blows my mind that I'm already in the middle of the Spring semester! It's constant that I ask time to SLOW DOWN! 

As of February, I had my 20th Birthday, which was SUCH a blessing!! It was crazily filled with so much love, friends, and laughter that it has been THE best birthday I have had thus far!! My sister, Samantha is still in boot camp, but in about three to four weeks, she will be graduating and I will get to see her graduate in South Carolina!! I am so excited!

For the rest of the semester and 2015, I plan on taking things as they come and I'm really excited to see what the Lord has in store for me! I also would like to thank you for reading this and I can't wait for you to experience this year with me!

Thank you for reading!! I hope you have a blessed day! :D

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